
Black Bean Burgers.....and

 Last night we had black bean burgers.  We got the recipe from hallelujah acres and because I was so exhausted from being up 20 something hours straight (that's a whole different post), my children prepared dinner.  

I love how they worked together and dinner was done in no time.  This is the beginning of our quest to eat more vegan foods.  We will actually eat about 90%-95% raw.  I want so much to give our bodies a much needed break and to rejuvenate our natural healing abilities.  You know, clear out some of the hormones and chemicals from the foods we eat.  So we will have meat, but not more than once or twice a week.  Our meals will consist of raw fruits and veggies.  We will have meat on Sunday and maybe one other night...  When we do have meat again, we will eat organic grass fed or free range.  I figured if we are only having it one or two nights I could splurge on this expense.  Hopefully after several months when we do pick up eating meat again, we will be eating our very own homegrown lamb and chicken.  And now that I've tasted a dear friends grass fed beef, I'm looking into purchasing a cow or two (again that's another post).  

Back to those delicious burgers...they were delicious.  I am not a huge bean fan, but I suppose that's because I've HAD to eat so many in my life.  However, with the seasonings and all the things you put on a regular burger, I really could not tell that it was a meatless burger.  We used the indoor grill and they turned out perfect.  They were such a hit, we will have them again tonight but we'll try them on the outdoor grill.  I'll add an addendum to the end of this post to let you know how that turned out.  

I've been reading up all I can on a more raw diet.  My garden didn't fair so well this spring so I'll be buying a lot of our food.  I'm looking forward to a fall garden so that will help to cut down on our grocery budget as well. 

Why raw you ask?  Well, I guess it began when I watched Food Inc. and then later a report that was done years ago by Peter Jennings called How To Get Fat Without Really Trying.  After watching each of these, I began to really pray and ask for direction.  What was I supposed to do now that I had been injected with this information.  It's like reading the Bible, once you read His instructions, then you are required to do something with it!  
But seriously, could this be the reason my immune system seems to be at it's lowest in the past year than it has ever been since I was 10 years old?  I mean in just the last 10 months I've had the flu 3 times.  Is there something more I could do?  
And though I've had a desire for the last 10 years to live more off the land, I'm still buying more than I desire when it comes to our food.  

It happened about 2 weeks ago as I was driving to work to begin exploring different eating styles.  And the one that I kept coming to is the raw lifestyle.  Now I know we have the ability and freedom to eat meat, however, I believe that was meant for when meat was in it's natural state.  Meaning, cows were never meant to eat corn and yet in the food industry, that is exactly what cows are fed.  Cows weren't meant to eat other cows either and yet in some of the food products they eat there is ground up cow pieces.  On that same token though, we weren't meant to consume High Fructose Corn Syrup either and yet, that is in 95%-99% of all products we buy from the stores unless it's fruits and veggies.  And then we have pesticides on the fruits and veggies.  And THEN we have hormones and antibiotics pumped into our meats.
So with all this information and sincere prayer, I have felt led that this is what's best for my family at this time and as we complete the process of ridding ourselves of these poisons, we can then introduce our bodies to some of the healthier things to eat.  
WHEWWWWWWWWWWW, that means my grocery budget is going to be going through some transitioning as well until I have grown all that I can grow or buy from other local farmers.  

A single income family such as mine can begin to get a bit shacky when I realize that I don't have money growing on the trees in my backyard and so this could get a bit expensive.  However, I am trusting that since I've asked God and He has directed me down this path, that He will also make provisions for me to obtain these foods.  Wouldn't it be neat to have a local food swap with several families involved all growing something different and then swapping for other things someone else is growing?????  Hmmmm, that sounds like something else to pray about!!!  

So out of that review of the Black Bean Burgers, I took you to class and gave you an explanation as to why we are making these changes....Just food for thought! ;-)

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