
Be about God's Business and He will be about yours!

I heard this on the radio this morning and it was one of those quotes you wish you could rewind and play again. Only I didn't need to, the first time I heard itjust stuck in my head and planted in my heart.
Have you ever had something said to you and it just jumped in your spirit and seemed to come alive? I wonder if that is how Elizabeth felt when Mary greeted her and the babe in her womd (John) leaped.
Well, that is how I felt this morning. I know God called me to focus my children's education at this time completely on Him and yet I still doubted I was doing the right thing. I was a little short on my bills with having the house moved and paying bills, but my tithes are set to the side and God will not be robbed. I am wondering how I will get to work for the rest of the month, but God is good and faithful and if I am about His business, He will definitely be about mine!
It goes with the scripture that states...seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added. At times we don't know how to put that into action, but for these past two weeks, for me it has been to steer my children towards Christ and nothing more & giving my tithes cheerfully! I am blessed to do both.
There has been conflict, so it's not an easy road, but whenever you are doing ANYTHING for Christ, satan is angry as fire.
How are you being about God's business? Please share. I would love to see what God has asked of you.
To those I have called on in the last couple of days, thank you for keeping me on track and encouraging me in the Lord. Thank you for being obedient and speaking truth into my life. I don't cease to thank God for you daily!!!!

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