

November will mark a year that we have been attending Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church (OCBF). Early spring we became official members.

I've not shared the journey with many of how we came to be members of OCBF, but after class, I felt compelled to sing it from the roof tops that I LOVE MY CHURCH & PASTOR!!!!

We were members of The Potter's House for 10 years, but I began to feel restless. We briefly left when money was tight and attended a small church closer to home. This church was really nice. I didn't agree with everything that took place in this church...there were some things that God shielded me from, but for the most part, the church and the members were wonderful! I believe this was the beginning of God showing me what a part of a church family is like. We made some great friends and I came to love them dearly and still do.

When money increased, we returned to The Potter's House, but there was just something missing. I can't really explain it, but there was something. So I began to pray earnestly. Now please, don't misunderstand me, I loved TPH. I loved Bishop Jakes. Yet, there was something that was incomplete for me. I tried being part of various ministries so that I would feel like part of the family, but nothing helped.

When we joined the church I had made a vow to God that I would not be a "church hopper", but that I would stay with this church until He moved me. I had remained faithful to that vow, except for the time frame of 8 months when we took a hiatus due to finances.

One evening as I was driving home from work, I was listening to 90.9 FM, KCBI. The Urban Alternative was on. Tony Evans was speaking and to be honest, I can't even remember what he was speaking about. I was only half listening, for the most part, I was praying and seeking the Lord in what to do for Sunday. I was actually feeling burdened about going back to TPH in just 3 days and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't understand why I was feeling this way either, my mind was not able to wrap around what was going on within me. There was this struggle, this war and I didn't know why. Suddenly it was as though a faint whisper was being said in my ear...go there. I turned the radio down, sure I was not hearing correctly, but again I distinctly heard a faint whisper...go there.

Ok Lord, I will go there.

That following Sunday, I was obedient and the moment we walked in the doors, I knew within my spirit that this was our new church home. I haven't looked back for one moment. I LOVE MY CHURCH & PASTOR. Did I say that already? ;-)

I have heard many in my circle of friends searching for that "perfect" church only to be disappointed time and time again. I have heard many say they don't like youth groups and that they are unbiblical, that women should not preach, that leaders and elders of the church that are married must have been married only once, on and on it goes. Now I believe these things to be unbiblical as well, so please don't leave me comments giving me scriptures that show this to be true and please don't leave me comments bashing me for what I believe.

OCBF has leaders and elders and they have all been married ONCE, Women do not preach to men, and they do have youth groups and children's church. My children are part of the youth ministry, but Pastor Evans as well as those that lead the children's church are very adamant that they are not the main spiritual teachers of the children. OCBF strongly believes that the parents are the first avenue and what they do is help to reinforce what the parents have done and are doing.

This church is alive! The members love the Lord and are sincere in their concern for each member. There is no such thing as a perfect church. I have found that following the Lord's leading in going where He directs you is as close to perfect as we will get here on earth. Perfection is not on this side of heaven. Again I have made a vow to God that I will not leave my church until He moves me.

What was the deciding factor in your church membership? Please share...

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