
Single yet again but not alone

You can't make anyone love you and you can't make anyone stay. Earlier in my marriage I thought I could only to hear my mom say those words to me.
I've been asking the Lord did I do what He asked of me and I am able to walk away with a yes!
You can't soften someones heart towards you if they are bound and determined to keep it hardened and unforgiving of things in the past.
I'm at peace. I'm ok. It is well with my soul.
My children are fine as well.
We pick up where we left off and know that God is with us, for us, covering us, and loving us.
In the end God will get the glory, He will be glorified no matter what the circumstances look like.

- iTasha


The Newest Member of Our Family

In our family, I am the only one that has had girls.  My sisters have had boys and I also have one son.  So out of the children and grandchildren, there are a total of 5 girls and 5 boys.  I've always wanted a niece, but my sisters don't seem to know how to make those ;-).

Well, my nephew now has a baby girl born Monday evening.  Her name is Sheridan and she weighed 6lbs.  I haven't gotten the chance to go see her yet.  I'm so excited and can't wait.  She's the spitting image of her father.  I remember so vividly what he looked like as a baby and from all the pictures I've seen, she looks like his twin.

He's a very proud daddy and already very protective.


2 Months

The past 72 hours have been pretty tough for me and I couldn't figure out why at first.  Then it dawned on me that the date was drawing near when my mother went home to be with the Lord. Today is not so bad.  I miss her terribly and there have been times when I've picked up the phone to call her and share something with her or I've looked out the window and longed to go see her...suddenly realizing I cannot.
Those are hard moments for me.
Her name was Ruby.  She was far above rubies to me.  I can only imagine the things she's doing now and I know that there will come a time when I will get to see her again.
She's still alive, just at a different address and one day we'll share the same address.

I love you mom and miss you more than words can ever express.

If your mom is still alive, call her and just tell her simply that you love her.


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