
My Mother's Cup & Saucer

My mother was a coffee drinker.  I began drinking coffee at around 4 yrs of age.  My brother would wake up every morning and make me a "watered down" cup before he headed off to school.  Around age 10, coffee became super nasty to me and I stopped drinking it.  It could have been that I had to awaken every morning for school and make my mom her first cup of coffee before she could muster the energy to get of bed and get ready for work.  I don't know, but now I wish I could make her one last cup of coffee.  Within the last 5 years of her life, she began to look at her china in a very different way.  She began to use it for every day use.  Her thought was, I have these beautiful things here and they get no use, when I die, someone else will have the privilege of using them.  So she began to use her things of beauty.

Every morning, I knew she would have the cup above filled with coffee and she'd sip on it like a lady....dainty and sweet, never gulping.  If it was too hot, she would pour the coffee from her cup into her saucer and blow it gently and then sip.  Her father drank coffee the same way and she taught my children to drink their first cups of coffee in that same manner.
Well, I had a dream the other night that I was having a cup of tea with her while she was sipping her coffee.  So I asked my sister if I could have her cup.  Now each morning and right before I go to bed, I sip on a cup of tea in her cup.  It has put a smile on my face each morning to look over on the table and see her cup there from the night before.

It truly is the little things... Now off to have my cup of tea!!!!


Unknown said...

That was beautiful.

Nabila Grace said...

Awww I just love this post! And you were drinking from it the other night when we were talking! ;o) Makes it more special to *see* it! happy drinking dearest friend!

Love Abounds At Home said...

Beautiful cup and saucer :)

GammySel said...

It is sweet to have those memories. I can say I don't have any of my mother. Nothing sweet, memorable, it makes me sad, but I hope my children will have some of me!


Becky said...

Pretty cup! I found your blog via A Joyful Chaos.


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