
2 Timothy 1:1-11...is your fire still going for the Lord?

How to tell if your fire is dying for the Lord

1. You neglect the Word of God
2. Your prayer life changes
3. Your church attendance changes
4. You give occasionally
5. You stop listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit

How to renew or rekindle your fire for the Lord

1. Be aware of where you are in your walk with God
2. Recall where you were when you were fired up for God
3. Repent of the things that have caused a void in your relationship with the Lord
4. Refocus your attention on the things of God
5. Read the Word of God, even if you start off by reading the short books of the Bible. Or read one Proverbs that correlates with the day of the month.
6. Prayer…begin to commune with God daily.
7. Get involved in the lives of others
8. Rely upon the Holy Spirit to enable you to do all of the above.

I shared this because I like many of you feel like my fire for the Lord has died out. I am not where I want to be, nor am I where I used to be, but I’m on my way. My heart is so void and I continue to try to fill that void with things and people, thus drawing my heart further and further from God. However, the void in my heart or your heart was only meant for the Lord God Almighty!!! Let’s each allow Him to fill the one spot in our hearts and lives meant for only Him.

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