
Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church - Family VBS

You know before attending OCBF, I had never heard of such a thing as Family VBS.  I've been to many VBS's, but never one for the entire family.

We kick ours off with the church anniversary celebration.  June 6, 1976 was the beginning for our church.  The celebration starts on the Saturday before with a picnic and carnival rides.  Loads of fun, food and fellowship.  There is laughter in the air and the worship is the best.  Then that Sunday we get into the ceremonial part of it, looking back at the church history, giving honor to the pastor/wife and his staff.  It really is something special to partake in.  That night we dive into Family VBS.

The young children have a theme, the youth have a theme, the adults as well.

All I can tell you is I wish, I wish, I wish you could be here!!!!!  ;-)

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