
Lord's Day

I don't usually post on a Sunday because that is usually God's time and family time.
It's still God's time, I'm just sitting here singing praises and working on organizing my sewing area.  The children, however, have abandoned me to go outside in the warm sun to visit some friends and get some fresh air.  I don't mind the peace and quiet right now, I've got time to pray and focus on some thoughts and so forth, so I'm really not complaining.

Church was awesome!!!!  Pastor Tony Evans is taking this entire year speaking on knowing God. He did announce this morning that this will probably go on longer than a year and none of us objected one bit.  Part of the series will include the various names of God.


Today he spoke on our fruit as Christians.  That if we are hanging out with Christ, our fruit in our lives will reflect that as well.  Yet if we are finding our time is spent mostly with other people not following Christ or hobbies or other time sappers, then our fruit will reflect a weak walk with Christ.
Colossians 1:9-12.....John 15:1-5 He gave an analogy of the vineyards in Napa Valley.  He said the grape vines are tied together and hoisted on these poles throughout the vineyard so that the grapes don't cause the vines to be on the ground.  This enables them (grapes/vines) to get the full use of the sun and the fruit is full and luscious.  If they are allowed to drag to the ground then they are down in the dirt, unable to utilize what the sun is offering, this would kill the fruit and halt the production of more fruit.  He then mentioned that on grape vines are these things called sucker shoots.  They have no real purpose, they don't produce anything, they just begin to syphon off the nutrients that is needed for the grapes.  He related these sucker shoots to some people in our lives, hobbies, television, etc. that take from our time with God.

I love how he can use every day things and intertwine them with Biblical things for a clearer understanding.  And as usually when he said stand and lets pray, I was NOT ready to go!!!  I could sit and listen to him teach for hours on end...he's just that good.

We were going to have this big Sunday dinner, but the kids all asked for chili/cheese tater tots.  So we'll prepare the big meal and have it tomorrow, but tonight we are going to just chill with chili/cheese tater tots.

Ok, I'm off to continue organizing.  Have a blessed Sunday and spend some time abiding in the Vine and allow your fruit to reflect that of Christ!!!!

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